File extension sitemap: L page 21

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LNX file: Lynx Archive
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LO2 file: Generic
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LO_ file: Generic
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LOAD file: Generic
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LOADED_0 file: Generic
The .loaded_0 file format is used for JavaScript program files. This file format was developed by Google for t ...

LOADTEST file: Visual Studio LoadTest Project
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LOAN file: Generic
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LOC file: EasyGPS Location Data
Files that use the .loc file extension are most commonly associated with GPS software applications. The LOC fi ...

LOC file: Dr. Halo IV Locator Driver
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LOCAL file: Generic
Files with the .local extension are most commonly associated with the Delphi programming language. The LOCAL f ...

LOCALE file: Generic
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LOCALSTORAGE file: Generic
The .localstorage file extension is used as a settings file format that was developed by Google, Inc. These LO ...

LOCALSTORAGE-JOURNAL file extension is used for file caching information that is created using Google Chrome b ...

LOCK file: Generic
Files that contain the .lock file extension are most commonly associated with Microsoft's .NET Framework. The ...

LOCKED file: Generic
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LOCX file: Generic
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LOD file: Logitech Modula-2 Loadable Program
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LOD file: SPI Flash 32 Firmware
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LODS file: DCS LODS Info
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LOE file: Generic
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LOF file: Leica Object Format
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LOG file: Log File
Files that use the .log file extension are commonly used by a variety of computer operating systems and softwa ...

LOG file: AIBB Results Log File
Logfile created by Amiga Intuition Based Benchmark, a system benchmark tool for the Commodore Amiga home compu ...

LOG file: AMIDiag Diagnostic Report
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LOG file: BTSnoop Capture Format Log File
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