File extension sitemap: L page 16

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LIF file: Life Cellular Automata Format
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LIFE file: Generic
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LIFT file: Lexicon Interchange FormaT
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LIG file: Generic
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LIGHT file: Plotter3D Light
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LIGHTHOUSE-PROJECT file: Lighthouse Project
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LIGHTNING file: Generic
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LIGHTS file: Create+Shade Lights
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LIGT file: Caligari TrueSpace Light
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LIM file: Lernout And Hauspie Data
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LIM file: Limit Compressed Archive
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LIML file: Generic
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LIN file: Electronic Arts Interactive Sequence
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LIN file: X-Plane Painted Line
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LINEAC file: Generic
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LING file: Linguae Dictionary
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LINK file: Generic
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LINKLETTER file: Generic
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LINQ file: Generic
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LINX file: Generic
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LIO file: Avatar Studio LIO
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LION file: Lionheart Module
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LIP file: Clip Studio Paint Page file
Clip Studio Paint is a Japanese drawing program mainly used by illustrators, manga artists, and animation ...

LIQ file: Liquid Tracker Module
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LIR file: Generic
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