File extension sitemap: L page 7

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LBW file: Laubwerk Model
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LBX file: P-touch Editor Label
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LBXDAT file: Generic
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LBXLLS file: Logos Libronix 3.0 Data
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LBZ file: Generic
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LC file: Laser Compact Compressed Screen
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LC2 file: Generic
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LC3 file: Generic
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LC96 file: Generic
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LC96P file: Generic
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LCA file: SimpleFormat Changeables Graphic
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LCAP file: Generic
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LCB file: Generic
The .lcb file extension is most commonly associated with the Living Cookbook software application. Living Cook ...

LCC file: Generic
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LCD file: Lucid 3-D Spreadsheet
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LCE file: Generic
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LCF file: LICEcap Format Lossless Video
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LCG file: Generic
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LCH file: Footprint/IBM Works Chart Data
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LCH file: LabChirp Sound
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LCI file: Generic
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LCK file: Paradox Lock File
Files that contain the .lck file extension are lock files that have been created by a variety of database soft ...

LCL file: Generic
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LCM file: Generic
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LCML file: Generic
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