File extension sitemap: L page 14

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LI3 file: Generic
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LI4 file: Generic
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LI5 file: Generic
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LI_ file: Cornel Huth Compressed Library
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LIA file: Avatar Studio Animation
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LIA file: P-CAD ASCII Library
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LIB file: Static Code Library for Windows
Files that contain the .lib file extension are code libraries created by programmers using different source co ...

LIB file: Central Point Software Library/overlay
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LIB file: Chess Assistant Library
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LIB file: CIRCAD Source Library
CIRCAD is a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design software that contains tools for all aspects of circuit design ...

LIB file: Commodore Amiga Hunk Library File
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LIB file: DipTrace Pattern Library
DipTrace is a software suite for electronic design automation (EDA) to create schematic&nb ...

LIB file: EEDraw Library File
EEDraw is an Electrical Engineering parametric drawing tool for MS-DOS. It stores components in .lib library f ...

LIB file: Electronic Arts LIB Container
Electronic Arts LIB Format was used from 1990 to 1994 in at least 7 games. It stored game objects in a simple, ...

LIB file: KiCad Part Library
KiCad is a software suite for electronic design automation (EDA) that you can use for both the ...

LIB file: Maple V Library
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LIB file: MegaPaint Symbols Library
MegaPaint is a paint program for MS-DOS by Tommy Software. It stores graphical symbols in LIB files. ...

LIB file: OrCAD Model Library
OrCAD is a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design software. It stores symbols that you can use in your designs in ...

LIB file: P-CAD Binary Library
P-CAD was an Electronic Design Automation (EDA) software developed by Personal CAD Systems, Inc. The software ...

LIB file: The Office Publisher Library
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LIB file: TML BASIC Library
Code library for TML Basic, a programming language for the Apple IIgs, a home computer released in 1986. ...

LIB file: ULTIboard Library
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LIB file: ULTIcap Library
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LIB4D file: Cinema 4D Preset Library
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LIBEROCFG file: Generic
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