File extension sitemap: O page 1

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O file: Common Object File Format (COFF) Object File
Several compilers generate these files on the Windows platform, e.g., C and C++ compilers. When the compiler p ...

O file: Executable and Linkable Format (ELF) Object File
These files have the same function on Unix and Linux systems running on x86 processors, as files in the Common ...

O file: Relocatable Object Module Format (OMF) Object File
These files have the same function on MS-DOS, 16-bit Windows or OS/2 systems running on 8086 processors, as fi ...

O file: Intel 80386 Common Object File Format (COFF) Object / Library
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O file: Intel AMD64 Common Object File Format (COFF) Object / Library
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O file: Intel IA64 Common Object File Format (COFF) Object / Library
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O file: Mac OS X Mach-O Universal Object Code
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O file: Mac OS X Universal Binary
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O1D file: Generic
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O20 file: Generic
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O21 file: Generic
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O22 file: Generic
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O23 file: Generic
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O24 file: Generic
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O25 file: Generic
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O26 file: Generic
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O27 file: Generic
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O2C file: Objects To See 3D Object
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O2D file: Generic
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O2SSPROJ file: Generic
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O2VR file: Generic
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O32 file: Generic
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O3D file: Generic
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O3M file: Ortho 3D Model
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O4C file: Generic
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