File extension sitemap: L page 12

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LFM file: Lazarus Form
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LFN file: Generic
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LFP file: Lytro Light Field Picture Web Format
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LFR file: Generic
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LFS file: Generic
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LFSC file: Generic
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LFT file: 3D Studio Loft Object
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LFU file: Generic
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LFVIEW file: Leapfrog Scene
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LFX file: Generic
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LG file: ARHANGEL Compressed Archive
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LG file: Leonard Guides Compiled Data
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LG2 file: Generic
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LG3 file: Generic
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LG32 file: GFA-BASIC 32 Library
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LG4 file: Generic
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LG5 file: Generic
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LG7 file: Generic
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LG8 file: Generic
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LGB file: Generic
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LGC file: Windows Application Log
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LGD file: Radix Level Game Design
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LGDAT file: Generic
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LGE file: Generic
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LGF file: Logomotion Graphic File
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