File extension sitemap: L page 32

Overview of content found on

LVL file: Abuse Level
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LVL file: Microtime Animal Level Data
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LVLAD file: Generic
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LVLIB file: LabVIEW Project Library
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LVLIBP file: Generic
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LVLPS file: LabVIEW Local Project Settings
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LVLX file: PGE Extendable Level
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LVM file: LabVIEW Measurement
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LVM file: LiveSwif Movie
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LVP file: Generic
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LVPROJ file: LabVIEW Project
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LVQ file: Generic
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LVRBT file: Generic
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LVS file: Generic
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LVSC file: Generic
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LVSLN file: Generic
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LVU file: Generic
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LVUCE file: Generic
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LVUGE file: Generic
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LVW file: Livewire Document
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LW file: LiteWave Compressed Audio
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LW2 file: Generic
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LW3 file: Generic
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LW4 file: Generic
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LW5 file: Generic
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