File extension sitemap: L page 8

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LCN file: Generic
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LCO file: Generic
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LCP file: Generic
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LCPALF file: Generic
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LCPROJ file: Generic
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LCPROJ3 file: Generic
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LCR file: LabChirp Preset
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LCS file: Generic
Files that contain the .lcs file extension are most commonly associated with the ACT! software application. A ...

LCT file: Generic
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LCX file: Generic
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LD file: Polycom SoundPoint IP Firmware
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LD2 file: Lingoes Dictionary
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LD3 file: Generic
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LD5 file: Generic
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LDA file: Generic
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LDB file: Microsoft Access Lock file
The .ldb file extension is used by the Microsoft Access database application to prevent files from being edite ...

LDB file: Footprint/IBM Works Data Filer DataBase
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LDB file: RPG Maker 2000/2003 DataBase
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LDBK file: Generic
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LDBS file: LDBS Disk Image
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LDBST file: LDBS Text Format Disk Image
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LDC file: Generic
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LDD file: Generic
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LDE file: Footprint/IBM Works Data Filer Design
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LDEFS file: Ghidra Language Definitions
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