File extension sitemap: L page 13

Overview of content found on

LGG file: Generic
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LGL file: Caligari TrueSpace Light Library
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LGMX file: Generic
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LGN file: Generic
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LGO file: Modern ListGeo Output
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LGO file: Windows Logo Drawing Code
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LGP file: Logitech G15 Keyboard Profile
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LGR file: MiAmiga Ledger Data
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LGS file: Leica Geosystems Universal Digital Reality Project
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LGT file: Generic
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LGW file: Generic
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LGX file: Logistix Spreadsheet
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LGXZIP file: Generic
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LGZ file: Generic
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LH1 file: Generic
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LH2 file: Generic
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LHA file: LHA Compressed Archive
Files with file extension LHA are compressed archive files. An archive file is several files bundled into a si ...

LHD file: Generic
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LHP file: Generic
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LHR file: Generic
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LHS file: Generic
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LHTS file: The Movies Editor Text String Database
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LHW file: Lhwarp Compressed Disk Image
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LHX file: Generic
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LHZ file: Generic
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