File extension sitemap: B page 35

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BRT file: Bridge Tape Recorder Tape
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BRU file: Invision Brushes
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BRUSHLIBRARY file: Generic
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BRUSHVARIANT file: Generic
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BRV file: Generic
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BRW file: Ray Dream Data
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BRX file: Generic
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BRZ file: Avatar Studio BRZ
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BS file: Infinity Engine Compiled Character Script
These BS files contain the scripts that automatically guide the character's behavior based on the criteria in ...

BS file: PrintFox/Pagefox Bitmap
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BS1 file: Generic
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BS2 file: BSArc Compressed Archive
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BS3 file: Generic
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BS4 file: Mikogo Session Video Recording
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BS6 file: Generic
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BS7 file: Generic
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BSA file: BSArc Compressed Archive
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BSA file: The Bone Shaker Architect Music
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BSAP file: Generic
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BSB file: MapInfo Sea Chart
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BSBLIC file: Generic
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BSC file: BinSCII encoded file
These BSC files are used to encode and decode Apple ProDOS files, an operating system used on the Apple II per ...

BSC file: bsc Compressed Data
These BSC files contain data compressed with libbsc, a lossless compression library with high-performance ...

BSC file: BSC ZX Spectrum Tape Data
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