File extension sitemap: B page 17

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BGX file: Generic
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BH file: BlackHole Compressed Archive
Files with the .bh file extension are compressed archive files utilizing the BlakHole format. An archive file ...

BH3 file: Generic
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BHA file: Generic
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BHF file: PCAnywhere32 Data
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BHL file: BlockHashLoc Recovery Info
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BHO file: Behold Organize Data
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BHR file: Generic
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BHS file: Generic
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BHW file: Blophome Published Project
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BHX file: BinHex encoded file
BinHex is short for "binary-to-hexadecimal" and was once a common format to convert a file from its binar ...

BI file: Generic
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BIB file: BibTeX References File
The .bib file extension is primarily associated with files utilized in BibTeX Bibliography Database. A BIB fil ...

BIB file: Printed Circuit Board Design Library
PCB design file created with the german PCB design software "Platinen Layout Programm" for the Commodore Amiga ...

BIBTEX file: Generic
The .bibtex file extension is used for the BibTeX bibliographic database file format. This file format is a pr ...

BIC file: Chess Assistant Dataset
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BIDLIST file: Generic
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BIDML file: Generic
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BIDQUEUE file: Generic
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BIDULE file: Bidule Layout
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BIE file: Generic
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BIF file: Boot Information File
Files with the .bif extension contain boot information files. These files are used to boot computers from a bo ...

BIF file: BIF Bitmap Info File
These files are part of the Binary Information Files format and to a corresponding .raw file with the actual i ...

BIF file: ByLight Image Format Bitmap File
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BIF file: Infinity Engine Archive File
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A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - Other