File extension sitemap: B page 30

Overview of content found on

BOOK file: Cybiko Cybook eBook
These BOOK files contain the audio ebooks used on the Cybiko, a Russian handheld computer released in April 20 ...

BOOK file: FrameMaker book
These BOOK files contain the content created in Adobe FrameMaker, an authoring and publishing software. FrameM ...

BOOK file: ICE Book Reader eBook
These BOOK files contain the imported TXT, RTF, HTML, and MS Word documents used in ICE Book Reader, a softwar ...

BOOK file: MaxiDesk Phone Book
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BOOKEXPORT file: Generic
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BOOKFACTORY file: Generic
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BOOKTEMPLATE file: Generic
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BOOT file: Generic
Files that contain the .boot file extension are most commonly associated with the InstallShield Windows instal ...

BOOTBLOCKS file: VirusZ III Bootblocks Data
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BOOTSKIN file: BootSkin Theme
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BOOX file: Generic
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BORDER file: Generic
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BORDERS file: AmiAtlas Borders Data
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BOS file: Generic
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BOT file: Bucket 'o Tab Tablature
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BOT file: Robot Arena Bot
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BOT file: Soldat Bot Information
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BOV file: Generic
Brick of Values or the .bov file extension is found commonly tagged with VisIt. VisIt is a free, open source v ...

BOW file: Generic
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BOX file: Email Message
Files that contain the .box file extension are most commonly used to store email messages. A variety of email ...

BOX file: Boom Box Project
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BOX file: Microsoft Store Download Package
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BOX3D file: Generic
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BOXCANVAS file: Generic
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BOXNOTE file: Generic
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