File extension sitemap: B page 5

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BAM file: Bob's AdLib Music Module
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BAM file: BOYAN Action Module
These BAM files contain the configuration for the advanced communication program for MS-DOS. Boyan was a termi ...

BAM file: Infinity Engine Animation
These BAM files contain the animated images used in Infinity Engine, a gaming engine. BAM files are used in 2D ...

BAM file: Panda3D Bam container
These BAM files contain the scene graphs and subgraphs used in Panda3D; a scene graph engine used to create 3D ...

BAM file: Sequence Alignment/Map Format
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BAN file: PrintPartner Banner
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BAND file: SuperJAM! Band
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BANDMANAGER file: Generic
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BANDMANAGER20 file: Generic
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BANK file: FMOD Sound Bank
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BAP file: Generic
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BAR file: Blackberry Playbook Program
The .bar file extension is mainly used on files for the BlackBerry Operating System (BB OS) 10. These files co ...

BAR file: FileStar/2 ToolBar
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BAR file: Total Commander Button Bar Configuration
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BARB file: Generic
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BARR file: Generic
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BAS file: BASIC Source Code
BASIC is a programming language that was created in the 1960s and the name is an acronym for Beginner's All-Pu ...

BAS file: AmigaBASIC Source Code
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BAS file: Amstrad CPC Locomotive BASIC Source Code
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BAS file: Atari GFA-BASIC Source Code
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BAS file: B4X BASIC Source Code
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BAS file: BAS VBDOS Pro Source Code
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BAS file: Cambridge Z88 BASIC Source Code
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BAS file: Canon Hack Development Kit UBASIC Script
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