File extension sitemap: B page 27

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BMM file: Bleeper Music Maker music
These BMM files contain music files created in Bleeper Music Maker, a program used to create music and play it ...

BMM file: Xilinx Block Memory Map
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BMML file: Braille Music Markup Language File
The .bmml file extension is used for a source code and script file format that was developed to provide blind ...

BMML file: Balsamiq Mockups Prototype
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BMMOD file: Generic
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BMO file: Generic
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BMP file: Windows Bitmap
The .bmp file extension is given to raster image files, also known as bitmap image files. These non-compressed ...

BMP file: OS/2 Bitmap
OS/2 BMP files are bitmap image files used on the IBM OS/2 Operating System for e.g. system icons, mouse point ...

BMP file: Alpha Microsystems Bitmap
Alpha Microsystems BMP files are bitmap image files. It is a format invented by Alpha Microsystems, and while ...

BMPR file: Generic
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BMPSKIN file: Generic
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BMQ file: Generic
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BMR file: Generic
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BMS file: QuickBMS script
These BMS files are archive files created in QuickBMS, a tool used for faster file extracting and importing, a ...

BMS file: SilkRoad Mesh
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BMSK file: STK Body Mask Format
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BMT file: Generic
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BMTP file: Bome MIDI Translator Project
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BMU file: Aurora Engine BioWare Music Unit
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BMV file: Teeny Weeny Games Video File
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BMW file: Generic
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BMX file: Buzz Song
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BMX file: Jeskola Buzz Song
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BN file: Generic
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BN7 file: Generic
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