File extension sitemap: B page 21

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BINDS file: Elite: Dangerous Controls Bindings
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BINK file: Generic
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BINVOX file: BINVOX Voxel File Format
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BIO file: BioArk Compressed Archive
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BIO1 file: Generic
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BIONIX file: Generic
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BIP file: 3DS Max Character Studio Biped Mocap Data
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BIP file: KeyShot 3D Scene
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BIR file: Generic
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BIS file: Generic
Files that contain the .bis file extension are files that have been created with the BeInSync software applica ...

BIT file: Bit Archiver compressed archive
These BIT files are compressed files created by Osman Turan. BIT gives a high compression ratio with acceptabl ...

BIT file: Lotus Manuscript Bitmap
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BIT file: Xilinx Bitstream
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BITCFG file: Generic
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BITMAP file: Generic
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BITP file: Generic
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BITPIM file: Generic
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BITSBOARD file: Bitsboard Board
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BITSER file: Generic
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BITWINE file: Generic
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BITZER file: Generic
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BIU file: Generic
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BIX file: BIX Archiver compressed archive
These BIX files are compressed archive files created in BIX Archiver, a software used to manipulate file archi ...

BIZ file: Business Card Design
The .biz file extension is commonly associated with Broderbund Business Card Studio software. The BIZ files co ...

BIZ file: Division DVS 3d Model
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