File extension sitemap: B page 41

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BVA file: Biovision Action Data
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BVD file: BvD Fileset
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BVF file: Generic
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BVH file: Biovision Hierarchy Character Animation Format
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BVL file: Generic
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BVM file: Generic
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BVN file: Generic
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BVP file: Generic
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BVR file: Generic
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BVS file: Generic
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BVT file: Generic
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BVY file: Breevy Text Snippet
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BVZ file: Generic
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BW file: bigWig Track Format
These BW (BigWig) files contain the genome data that will be displayed in the Genome Browser, a web-based tool ...

BW file: Raw Black And White Bitmap
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BW file: Silicon Graphics B/W Bitmap
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BW5 file: Generic
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BW6 file: Generic
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BWA file: Generic
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BWAV file: Generic
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BWC file: Generic
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BWD file: MechWarrior 2 Mission Data
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BWE file: Black And White 2 Environment Data
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BWF file: Generic
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BWFB file: Generic
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