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BIB File

What are BIB files and how to open them

Are you having problems opening a BIB file or are you simply curious about its contents? We're here to explain the properties of these files and provide you with software that can open or handle your BIB files.

What is a BIB file?

BIB files have multiple uses, and BibTeX References is one of them. Read more about the other uses further down the page.

BibTeX References File

The .bib file extension is primarily associated with files utilized in BibTeX Bibliography Database. A BIB file is a text document containing a list of references formatted using BibTeX formatting. Files with .bib extension are often used in creating bibliographies with the LaTex typesetting system. It also allows bibliographies to be searched and published using standard commands.

BibTeX is used as reference management software for formatting various lists of references. It eases the citation of sources in a consistent manner by separating bibliographic information from the form of the information. The process is quite similar to the separation of content and presentation/style supported by LaTeX. BibTeX files may include but are not limited to bibliographies for books, articles, research papers, and tech reports.

BibTeX files can be viewed and managed on multiple computer systems, but the formatting is standard across all platforms. BIB files are text files that can be opened and modified using MikTeX, JabRef, TeXnic Center, and MacroMates TextMate.

How to open BIB files

We have identified one BIB opener that is compatible with this specific type of BIB file.

Programs that open BibTeX References files


Last updated: September 21, 2023

All known file formats using extension .BIB

While BibTeX References File is a popular type of BIB-file, we know of 2 different uses of the .BIB file extension. Different software may use files with the same extension for different types of data.

Printed Circuit Board Design Library

PCB design file created with the german PCB design software "Platinen Layout Programm" for the Commodore Amiga home computer.

While we have not verified the apps ourselves yet, our users have suggested ten different BIB openers which you will find listed below.

Various apps that use files with this extension

These apps are known to open certain types of BIB files. Remember, different programs may use BIB files for different purposes, so you may need to try out a few of them to be able to open your specific file.

MiKTeXMiKTeXUser submitted
XULRunnerXULRunnerUser submitted
WinShellWinShellUser submitted
CitaviCitaviUser submitted
JabRefJabRefUser submitted
WinEdtWinEdtUser submitted
ZoteroZoteroUser submitted
OCLC ConnexionOCLC ConnexionUser submitted
LabEditorLabEditorUser submitted
Mendeley DesktopMendeley DesktopUser submitted

Help us help others

File.org helps thousands of users every day, and we would love to hear from you if you have additional information about BIB file formats, example files, or compatible programs. Please use the links below or email us at submit@file.org to discuss further.