File extension sitemap: W page 10

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WEBEXTEAMS file: Generic
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WEBEXTEL file: Generic
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WEBFORM file: Generic
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WEBHARD__ file: Generic
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WEBHISTORY file: Safari Web History
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WEBLOC file: Apple Finder Internet Location
Files that contain the .webloc file extension are usually Mac OS X website shortcuts. Apple's Safari Web brows ...

WEBLOC file: MacOS Website Location
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WEBM file: WebM video
The WEBM file format is a video file format that was created by Google to store video content and implement co ...

WEBMANIFEST file: Progressive Web Application Manifest
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WEBP file: WebP Image
The WEBP file format was developed by Google with the aim to provide smaller file sizes for storing digital gr ...

WEBPART file: SharePoint Web Part
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WEBSITE file: Generic
These .website files are pinned site shortcuts, which will take the user to the linked website when the user d ...

WEBTEST file: Fiddler Saved WebTest
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WEBTEST file: Visual Studio Web Test
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WEBTHEME file: Generic
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WED file: Infinity Engine Region/map
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WEDO file: Generic
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WEE file: Generic
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WEF file: Generic
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WEG file: Generic
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WEJ file: Generic
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WEL file: Generic
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WEM file: Generic
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