File extension sitemap: W page 23

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WP6 file: Generic
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WP7 file: Generic
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WPA file: ACT! Word Processor Document
Act!, previously Sage Act, is a marketing and CRM software solution. It stores documents written in the built- ...

WPACK file: Generic
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WPAPK file: Generic
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WPB file: OpenCanvas Bitmap
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WPC file: Generic
The .wpc file extension is most commonly used by Microsoft Word software application and the WordPad utility. ...

WPD file: WordPerfect Document
The .wpd extension is most commonly assigned to files that have been created in Corel WordPerfect. WordPerfect ...

WPD file: 602Text Document
The .wpd extension is also assigned to documents that have been created with the 602PC Suite. This suite is an ...

WPD file: WinWorks Text Document
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WPE file: Generic
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WPEDA file: Generic
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WPF file: Bit Software Font
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WPF file: BitImages Font
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WPF file: BitPaint Font
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WPF file: Enable Document
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WPF file: WinAPE Profile
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WPF file: WINDEV Profiler Stats
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WPG file: WordPerfect Graphics
Files that contain the .wpg file extension are typically associated with the Corel WordPerfect word processing ...

WPH file: Generic
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WPI file: WarpIN Installer
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WPJ file: Microsoft Works Wizard
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WPJ file: Watcom C/C++ Project
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WPK file: WordPerfect Keyboard
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WPL file: Windows Media Player Playlist
The Windows Media Player is a free application that allows users to listen to and view media data on their com ...

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