File extension sitemap: W page 11

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WENLIN file: Generic
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WEP file: WINDEV Project Errors
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WEPM file: Generic
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WER file: Windows Error Report
Files containing the .wer file extension are most commonly associated with the Windows Error Reporting utility ...

WER file: WinSQL E/R diagram
The WinSQL E/R software program also uses the .wer file extension. These WER files contain entity-relationship ...

WET file: Generic
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WEV file: Fractal Design Painter Weaving Lib
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WEX file: Generic
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WF file: Generic
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WF1 file: EViews Workfile
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WFB file: Turtle Beach WaveFront Sound Bank
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WFBE file: WinFBE Project
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WFC file: Wink Presentation
Wink files that contain the .wfc file extension hold tutorial presentations that have been created by the Wink ...

WFC file: Windows Wireless Network Settings
The WFC files that are used by the Windows wireless network contain the wireless network settings for a partic ...

WFC file: War FTP Daemon configuration file
The WFC files that are associated with the War FTP daemon contain configuration settings used by the program. ...

WFC file: WinFellow Configuration
WinFellow is an Amiga home computer emulator for Windows. It stores configuration settings in .wfc files. ...

WFD file: Generic
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WFF file: Generic
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WFH file: GFA Raytrace Project Data
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WFIP file: Generic
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WFJ file: Generic
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WFL file: GFA Raytrace Project Data
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WFLOW file: Generic
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WFLX file: Generic
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WFM file: Pro Tools Waveform Cache File
WFM Pro Tools waveform caches are a file type employed in Avid Pro Tools, a widely used Digital Audio Workstat ...

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