File extension sitemap: W page 21

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WMX file: Windows Media Player shortcut
Files with file extension .wmx are usually shortcut-files used by Windows Media Player. The shortcut file does ...

WMZ file: Windows Media Player skin
The .wmz file extension is mainly associated with files that are being found in Windows Media Player. WMZ is a ...

WMZ file: Compressed Windows Meta File
A WMZ file may also be a Windows Meta File that has been compressed to reduce its size. These files conta ...

WN file: Wanton Packer Song/module
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WNC file: Generic
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WNCRY file: WannaCry Ransomware Encrypted
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WND file: MAGIX Music Studio Window Layout
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WNE file: Generic
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WNG file: Generic
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WNK file: Wink Presentation
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WNO file: Generic
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WNW file: Generic
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WNX file: Generic
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WO file: Generic
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WOD file: Generic
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WOF file: Hercules WriteOn Font
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WOFF file: Web Open Font Format
The .WOFF, or Web Open Font Format files, are used to customize Web page fonts. WOFF files are commonly used b ...

WOFF2 file: Web Open Font Format 2
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WOL file: WOLF EBook
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WOO file: Generic
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WOP file: Generic
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WOPL file: OPL3BankEditor Bank Format
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WOR file: Instat+ Worksheet
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WOR file: MapInfo Workspace
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WORD file: Generic
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