File extension sitemap: W page 31

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WV file: Sonarc compressed WAV audio
The .wv file extension is also used for Sonarc Compressed WAV audio files. Sonarc is a lossless audio compress ...

WV! file: Generic
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WV2 file: Generic
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WV_FILE file: Generic
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WVA file: Generic
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WVC file: WavPack Compressed Audio Correction Data
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WVD file: Wang Virtual Disk Image
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WVE file: Cyberlink WaveEditor Project
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WVE file: DivX Video Conversion Temporary File
The .wve file extension is used for a proprietary data file format that was developed by DivX, LLC. These WVE ...

WVE file: Electronic Arts WVE Video File
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WVE file: Psion Series 3 Audio File
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WVE file: Wondershare Video Editor Project
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WVE file: World Construction Set Wave
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WVF file: Yokogawa Waveform Data
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WVH file: Generic
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WVL file: Corel Wavelet Compressed Bitmap
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WVM file: Generic
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WVP file: Generic
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WVR file: Generic
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WVS file: Generic
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WVX file: Windows Media Video shortcut
Files with file extension .wmx are usually shortcut-files used by Windows Media Player. The shortcut file does ...

WVZ file: MUST Music / Song
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WW file: Visual XBase Form/screen
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WW5 file: WillMaker 5 Project
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WW7 file: Generic
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