File extension sitemap: W page 4

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WASETTINGS file: Generic
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WASM file: WebAssembly Module
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WASOLUTION file: Generic
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WASYMDATA file: Generic
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WAT file: Generic
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WATCH file: WatchMaker Watch Face
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WAUDIT file: WINDEV Dynamic Audit Report
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WAV file: Waveform Audio File
WAV files are audio files saved in the Waveform Audio File Format. The WAV format was invented by Microsoft an ...

WAV file: Broadcast Wave File audio
Broadcard Wave File is an extension of the popular Waveform Audio Format invented by Microsoft and IBM. This v ...

WAV file: SDR Raw IQ Data
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WAVE file: MilkDrop Wave
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WAVU file: Generic
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WAX file: Windows Media Audio Shortcut
Files with the .wax extension are most commonly used by the Windows Media player. The WAX files contain a shor ...

WAYPOINT file: Generic
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WB file: Wally Beben Module
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WB1 file: Webshots Image
Files that contain the .wb1 file extension are most commonly associated with the Webshots Desktop picture-shar ...

WB1 file: Quattro Pro spreadsheet
The Corel Quattro Pro software program also uses the .wb1 file extension. This application uses the .wb1 file ...

WB2 file: Generic
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WB3 file: Quattro Pro 7 Spreadsheet
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WB6 file: Generic
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WBA file: WindowBlinds theme
Files that contain the .wba file extension contain custom themes and skins that have been created with the Win ...

WBAK file: Generic
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WBARC file: Generic
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WBB file: Generic
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WBC file: WebShots Collection
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