File extension sitemap: W page 14

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WHIRLPOOL file: Generic
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WHL file: Python Wheel Package
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WHL file: Wheel Package
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WHM file: Generic
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WHP file: Generic
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WHS file: Generic
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WHTT file: Generic
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WHX file: WinHex Backup
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WI file: Corel Wavelet Compressed Bitmap
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WI4 file: Generic
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WIBUCMLIF file: Generic
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WIBUCMRAR file: Generic
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WIC file: J Wavelet Image Codec Bitmap
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WIC file: WIC (fake) Compressed Archive
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WICSAVEGAME file: Generic
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WID file: Generic
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WIDGET file: Yahoo! Widget
A widget is a small application that enables users to keep the tools they use the most directly on their deskt ...

WIF file: CoffeCup Web Image Studio
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WIF file: Weaving Interchange Format
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WIK file: Generic
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WIKI file: Generic
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WIL file: Generic
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WIM file: Windows Imaging Format disk image
WIM stands for Windows Imaging Format. Files with the .wim file extension contain disk images that can be moun ...

WIMP file: Generic
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