File extension sitemap: W page 3

Overview of content found on

WAD file: DoomRL WAD Resource
Files that contain the .wad file extension are most commonly associated with compressed archive files that are ...

WAD file: Doom 2D Forever WAD Archive
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WAD file: Mace Griffin: Bounty Hunter WAD
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WAD file: Nintendo Wii Data
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WAD file: Thunderstrike Data File
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WAF file: Words And Figures Document
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WAH file: GFA Raytrace Animation
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WAI file: Generic
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WAL file: Quake Texture Data
Files that contain the .wal file extension are most commonly associated with the Quake gaming application. The ...

WAL file: WinAmp Modern Skin
The .wal file extension is also used to store custom skins that are used by the Winamp media program. Winamp i ...

WAL file: Black And White 2 Wall Data
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WAL file: GFA Raytrace Animation
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WALK file: Generic
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WALLET file: Multibit Bitcoin Wallet
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WALLS file: Generic
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WAM file: Wave/MIDI Composition
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WAO file: Generic
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WAP file: WinAsks Editor Questionnaire
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WAPERM file: Generic
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WAPROJECT file: Generic
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WAR file: Java Web Archive
Files with file extension WAR are Web Application Archives. Each of these files contains a web service written ...

WAR_DEPLOYED file: Generic
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WARC file: Web ARChive File Format
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WARTS file: Scamper WARTS Storage
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WAS file: Generic
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