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LIB File

What are LIB files and how to open them

Are you having problems opening a LIB file or are you simply curious about its contents? We're here to explain the properties of these files and provide you with software that can open or handle your LIB files.

What is a LIB file?

LIB files have multiple uses, and Static Code Library for Windows is one of them. Read more about the other uses further down the page.

Static Code Library for Windows

Files that contain the .lib file extension are code libraries created by programmers using different source code compilers. The compiler "translates" the readable source code written by the programmer into executable code and stores it in a library file.

A library file can be used in one or more programs, so it is a way to organize and distribute code that programmers can use in their programs without having the source code.

LIB files may also contain objects like images, media, and text clippings. LIB files are an alternative to DLL files, which are dynamic link libraries. The difference is that LIB files are linked to the final program executable, so everything is stored in a single file. In contrast, DLL files are distributed with the program and loaded when needed.

On Linux and Unix systems static code libraries use file extension .a.

You usually do not need to edit or view these files, as they only contain information usable by the software program that uses them.

Last updated: January 25, 2025

Central Point Software Library/overlay

We know that one LIB format is Central Point Software Library/overlay. We have not yet analyzed in detail what these files contain and what they are used for. We're working on it.

How to open LIB files

Important: Different programs may use files with the LIB file extension for different purposes, so unless you are sure which format your LIB file is, you may need to try a few different programs.

While we have not verified the apps ourselves yet, our users have suggested ten different LIB openers which you will find listed below.

Chess Assistant Library

We know that one LIB format is Chess Assistant Library. We have not yet analyzed in detail what these files contain and what they are used for. We're working on it.

CIRCAD Source Library

CIRCAD is a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design software that contains tools for all aspects of circuit design and manufacturing.

LIB opener for Windows

We have identified one LIB opener that is compatible with this specific type of LIB file.


Commodore Amiga Hunk Library File

We know that one LIB format is Commodore Amiga Hunk Library File. We have not yet analyzed in detail what these files contain and what they are used for. We're working on it.

DipTrace Pattern Library

DipTrace is a software suite for electronic design automation (EDA) to create schematic diagrams and printed circuit board (PCB) layouts. It stores graphical object patterns in .lib files.

Programs that open these LIB files

We have identified one LIB opener that is compatible with this specific type of LIB file.


EEDraw Library File

EEDraw is an Electrical Engineering parametric drawing tool for MS-DOS. It stores components in .lib library files.

Electronic Arts LIB Container

Electronic Arts LIB Format was used from 1990 to 1994 in at least 7 games. It stored game objects in a simple, uncompressed library file.

KiCad Part Library

KiCad is a software suite for electronic design automation (EDA) that you can use for both the design and simulation of electronic hardware. It stores part symbols in LIB files.

Programs that open these LIB files

We have identified one LIB opener that is compatible with this specific type of LIB file.


Maple V Library

We know that one LIB format is Maple V Library. We have not yet analyzed in detail what these files contain and what they are used for. We're working on it.

MegaPaint Symbols Library

MegaPaint is a paint program for MS-DOS by Tommy Software. It stores graphical symbols in LIB files.

OrCAD Model Library

OrCAD is a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design software. It stores symbols that you can use in your designs in LIB files.

Programs that open these LIB files

We have identified one LIB opener that is compatible with this specific type of LIB file.


P-CAD Binary Library

P-CAD was an Electronic Design Automation (EDA) software developed by Personal CAD Systems, Inc. The software was discontinued in 2006, and their new solution is known as Altium Designer.

Programs that open these LIB files

We have identified one LIB opener that is compatible with this specific type of LIB file.

Altium DesignerAltium DesignerVerified

The Office Publisher Library

We know that one LIB format is The Office Publisher Library. We have not yet analyzed in detail what these files contain and what they are used for. We're working on it.


Code library for TML Basic, a programming language for the Apple IIgs, a home computer released in 1986.

You usually do not need to edit or view these files, as they only contain information usable by the software program that uses them.

TopSpeed Modula-2 Library

We know that one LIB format is TopSpeed Modula-2 Library. We have not yet analyzed in detail what these files contain and what they are used for. We're working on it.

ULTIboard Library

We know that one LIB format is ULTIboard Library. We have not yet analyzed in detail what these files contain and what they are used for. We're working on it.

ULTIcap Library

We know that one LIB format is ULTIcap Library. We have not yet analyzed in detail what these files contain and what they are used for. We're working on it.

Various apps that use files with this extension

These apps are known to open certain types of LIB files. Remember, different programs may use LIB files for different purposes, so you may need to try out a few of them to be able to open your specific file.

Model EditorModel EditorUser submitted
progeCAD ProfessionalprogeCAD ProfessionalUser submitted
CodeVisionAVR C CompilerCodeVisionAVR C CompilerUser submitted
IZArcIZArcUser submitted
Protel SEProtel SEUser submitted
VL Visual EditorVL Visual EditorUser submitted
CodeWarriorCodeWarriorUser submitted
Model Editor ApplicationModel Editor ApplicationUser submitted
OrCAD CaptureOrCAD CaptureUser submitted
UntisUntisUser submitted

Help us help others

File.org helps thousands of users every day, and we would love to hear from you if you have additional information about LIB file formats, example files, or compatible programs. Please use the links below or email us at submit@file.org to discuss further.