File extension sitemap: I page 5

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IC1 file: Imagic Picture/animation Bitmap
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IC2 file: Imagic Picture/animation Bitmap
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IC2820 file: Generic
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IC3 file: Imagic Picture/animation Bitmap
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IC3D file: Generic
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IC7000 file: Generic
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IC91 file: Generic
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IC92 file: Generic
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ICA file: Citrix Independent Computer Architecture File
ICA stands for Independent Computing Architecture, and the Citrix application services use these files. They c ...

ICA file: CopyControl I.C.A. Disk Image
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ICA file: Icon Manager Icon Archive
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ICAL file: Generic
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ICAN file: Generic
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ICAP file: Generic
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ICAR file: Generic
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ICASH file: Generic
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ICB file: AT&T EPICenter ICB Frame Grabber Image File
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ICC file: Art Icons Pro - IconCollection
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ICC file: ICC Animation
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ICC file: ICC Color Profile
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ICCF file: Generic
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ICD file: IronCAD 2D Drawing
These ICD files contain drawings created in the IronCAD Computer Aided Design software. The files contain da ...

ICDX file: Generic
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ICE file: Freeze! Compressed Archive
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ICE file: ICE Compressed Archive
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