File extension sitemap: I page 26

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INR file: Generic
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INS file: InstaCalc Spreadsheet
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INS file: InstallShield Script
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INS file: Internet Naming Service (INS) Data File
INS is an acronym for Internet Naming Service and files with the .ins file extension are commonly used to reco ...

INS file: MVSTracker Instrument File
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INS file: Novell 16-bit LAN Driver Installer Data
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INS file: Reality Adlib Tracker Instrument
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INS file: RJP / Vectordean Instruments
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INS file: THX Tracker Instrument File
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INS file: Vectordean Instrument File
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INS file: WordPerfect Install Options
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INS file: WYZTracker Instruments
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INS file: Xtracker Instrument
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INSAR file: Generic
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INSP file: Insta360 Panoramic Image Bitmap
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INSPXE file: Generic
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INSPXEPROJ file: Intel Inspector Project
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INSPXEZ file: Generic
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INST file: Generic
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INSTALL file: Generic
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INSTALL4J file: Generic
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INSTALL_BACKUP file: Generic
Files that contain the .install_backup file extension are most commonly used by the AVG anti-virus software ap ...

INSTALLLOG file: .NET Assembly Installation Log
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INSTALLSTATE file: .NET Assembly Uninstaller Info
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INSTR file: Deluxe Sound Sampled Instrument
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