File extension sitemap: I page 12

Overview of content found on

IFF file: BioForge IFF Objects
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IFF file: CD-I IFF Image Bitmap
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IFF file: Common Musical Score File
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IFF file: Deluxe Music Construction Set Music File
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IFF file: Interchange File Format Image File
IFF is an acronym for Interchange File Format. Files that contain the .iff file extension are used to exchange ...

IFF file: Maya IFF Bitmap Image File
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IFF file: ORIGIN Systems IFF Palette
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IFF file: Strike Commander Palette File
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IFF file: The Sims Object File
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IFH file: Generic
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IFI file: Generic
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IFICTION file: IFiction Metadata
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IFL file: IncrediFlash Animation
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IFL file: Lotus Impress/Wysiwyg Font
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IFLV file: Generic
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IFM file: Generic
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IFN file: Generic
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IFO file: DVD Info File
IFO files are files that store DVD information. These files are commonly referred to as DVD Info Files because ...

IFO file: StarDict Info
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IFP file: Grand Theft Auto Animation
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IFP file: InstallForge Project
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IFR file: Generic
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IFRX file: Generic
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IFS file: CHAOS Barnsley IFS Data
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IFS file: DIV Games Studio Font Source
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