File extension sitemap: I page 28

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IOBJ file: Visual Studio Intermediate Object
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IOC file: Indicator Of Compromise
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IOC file: OpenIOC Indicator Of Compromise
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IOC file: STM32CubeMX Configuration
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IOF file: Generic
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IOK file: Generic
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IOL file: Generic
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IOLM file: Generic
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IOM file: ZEMU IO Map
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ION file: Generic
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IOP file: Generic
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IOS file: Generic
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IOX file: Generic
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IP file: IconPackager Theme File
IconPackager is used to create and save custom desktop themes that change the look and feel of the Windows env ...

IP file: Interactive Physics Data File
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IP file: Ipaint Bitmap File
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IP file: MusicMaker Instrument File
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IP2 file: Interpress Format
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IPA file: iOS Application
Files that contain the .ipa file extension are normally used on the iPhone and iPod Touch mobile devices. The ...

IPAD file: Generic
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IPAK file: Generic
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IPB file: Generic
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IPC file: Generic
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IPD file: BlackBerry Backup
These files are backups of the data that you have stored on your BlackBerry mobile device. They are created wh ...

IPDB file: Visual Studio Internal Program Data Base
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