File extension sitemap: I page 29

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IPE file: Microth Stroke Set
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IPEF file: Generic
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IPF file: Information Presentation Facility Markup
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IPF file: Interchangeable Preservation Format Floppy Disk Image
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IPF file: Xilinx IMPACT Programming File (JEDEC)
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IPFIX file: Generic
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IPG file: Generic
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IPH file: Interpaint Bitmap
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IPI file: Generic
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IPJ file: Autodesk Inventor Project
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IPJ file: Impatica OnCue Project
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IPK file: Nintendo DS Images Package File
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IPK file: Psion Organiser Pack Image File
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IPL file: IPL Image Sequence Bitmap
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IPLA file: Generic
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IPLEX file: Generic
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IPLUS file: Generic
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IPM file: Generic
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IPN file: Autodesk Inventor Presentation
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IPOPMX file: Generic
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IPP file: Generic
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IPR file: Infinity2 Project
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IPR file: InstallShield Project
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IPROJECT file: Generic
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IPS file: International Patching System Patch File
IPS is an acronym for International Patching System, a standard for providing patch updates for ROM image game ...

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