File extension sitemap: C page 23

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CEL file: Audition Loop
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CEL file: Bentley MicroStation CAD Cell library
These CEL files contain complex elements created in Bentley MicroStation, a design and construction software. ...

CEL file: Celestia script
These CEL files contain the simulated versions of the universe used in Celestia, a 3D astronomy software. Cele ...

CEL file: Chasm CEL bitmap
These CEL files contain information on the color index used to indicate transparent areas on images in Chasm: ...

CEL file: Cyber Paint Cell Animation
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CEL file: KiSS CEL Bitmap
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CELL file: CASTEP Cell Structure Info
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CELLB file: Generic
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CELLS file: Generic
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CELTX file: Generic
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CELX file: Generic
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CEM file: Generic
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CEN file: Generic
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CEP file: Generic
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CER file: Internet Security Certificate
These files pertain to Internet security certificates, which are digital documents that serve as verifiable cr ...

CER file: MSI/Accelrys Cerius II
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CEREG file: Generic
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CERT file: Generic
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CES file: Generic
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CESDA file: Generic
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CET file: Generic
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CETP file: Generic
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CETRAINER file: Generic
The CETRAINER file format is a proprietary data file type that was developed by the creators of DBVM. These .c ...

CETWK file: Generic
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CEV file: Generic
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