File extension sitemap: P page 79

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PWI file: Pocket Word document
Files that contain the .pwi file extension are most commonly associated with the Microsoft Word word processin ...

PWK file: Generic
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PWKDAT file: Generic
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PWL file: Windows Passwords
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PWM file: Seattle FilmWorks / PhotoWorks Photo Meta File
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PWML file: Generic
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PWMS file: Generic
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PWN file: Generic
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PWP file: Seattle FilmWorks / PhotoWorks Photos
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PWP file: Smith Corona Personal Word Processor
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PWR file: PowerAlbum Document
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PWS file: Aspell Personal Dictionary
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PWSF file: Generic
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PWT file: Password Tracker Deluxe Tracking List
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PWV file: Generic
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PWW file: Generic
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PWX file: Generic
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PWZ file: Generic
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PWZIP file: Generic
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PX file: PC-Axis Data
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PX file: Pixel Image
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PX2 file: Generic
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PX5P file: Generic
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PXA file: Pixia Bitmap
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PXB file: Generic
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