File extension sitemap: M page 58

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MSMPL_BANK file: Generic
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MSMX file: Generic
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MSN file: Descent (Game) Mission Data
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MSN file: Fighter Bomber Mission
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MSN file: Project: Space Station (Game) Saved Mission
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MSND file: Generic
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MSO file: Microsoft Outlook Inline Word File
When you send an HTML message with a Microsoft Word attachment using the Microsoft Outlook email application, ...

MSO file: ActiveMime Object File
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MSO file: MedleySound Module
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MSO file: MedlySound Audio Module
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MSP file: Windows Installer Patch
These files are designed for quick, easy updating of software. Windows Installer Patch (MSP) files let Micros ...

MSP file: Microsoft Paint Bitmap
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MSPC file: Generic
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MSPF file: Generic
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MSPM file: Nanoeducator SPM Data
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MSPRODUCER file: Generic
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MSPRODUCERZ file: Generic
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MSPROJ file: Generic
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MSPX file: Generic
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MSQ file: Mario Sequencer Song
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MSR file: Generic
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MSRCINCIDENT file: Remote Assistance Request
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MSRX file: Generic
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MSS file: Advanced Mario Sequencer Song
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MSS file: Scribe Markup
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