File extension sitemap: A page 38

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APPXBUNDLE file: Windows 8.1 App Bundle
APPXBUNDLE files are used to package and distribute apps on Windows 8.1 and higher. They store all essential i ...

APPXMANIFEST file: Windows 8 Appx Package Manifest
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APR file: Apadana Project
.apr files are project files created using Apadana. Apadana is a developer software used by programmers. Progr ...

APR file: ArcView Project
.apr files are files created as ArcView projects. ArcView is a geographical information system (GIS) software ...

APR file: Artemis Presents! Document
.apr files are document files made using the Artemis Presents application. Artemis Presents is a simple graphi ...

APR file: Lotus Approach
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APRJ file: Generic
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APRO file: Generic
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APROJ file: Generic
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APRT file: Generic
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APRX file: Generic
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APS file: AProSys Module
.aps files are module files of the AproSys application. AproSys is an example of a sound tracker or tracker, a ...

APS file: ArcPad Stylesheet
.aps files are ArcPad Stylesheet files, files containing data symbol definitions used by ArcPad. ArcPad is an ...

APS file: Visual C++ Binary Resource
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APSIM file: Generic
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APT file: Adaptive Prediction Tree Encoded Bitmap
When an image needs compression to save space, one process used is APT. The files created in the process are c ...

APT file: Android PandaHome Theme
A .apt file is a theme file created by the Android PandaHome. PandaHome is an Android-based application used t ...

APT file: Team Developer / SQLWindows Application
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APV file: API Viewer Database
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APVERSION file: Aperture Version Info
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APW file: Any Password Data
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APWZ file: Generic
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APX file: Ability Office PhotoPaint Bitmap
.apx files are image files created by the Ability Office PhotoPaint application. PhotoPaint is an image-editin ...

APX file: ArcPad User Data File
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APX file: Borland C++ Appexpert Database
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A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - Other