File extension sitemap: A page 14

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ADF file: ARIS Document File
These ADF files contain flowcharts and diagrams created in ARIS, a Java-based application used to manage and a ...

ADF file: SNAP Archive Data File
These ADF files are archive files created in SNAP Surveys, an online survey management service. ADF files cons ...

ADF file: ABackup Backup Disk Image
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ADF file: Acorn ADFS Disk Image
These ADF files contain the content of floppy and hard drives from Acorn computers. You can load these ADF fil ...

ADF file: Advanced Data Format Database
These ADF files contain numerical data that is stored in an Advanced Data Format Database. ADF files consist o ...

ADF file: Ami-Back Backup Disk Image
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ADF file: Amiga Disk image File
These ADF files contain the disk images used by the Amiga home computers and emulators. ADF files are typ ...

ADF file: Amiga Kickstart Disk Image
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ADF file: Antenna Data File
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ADF file: PS/2 MicroChannel Adapter Description File
These ADF files contain the configuration information of the MicroChannel Adapter card. ADF files are text fil ...

ADF file: Robot Arena Hazard Configuration
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ADF file: SuperDOS Adapter File
These ADF files contain the information and configuration of the BlueBird SuperDOS, a multi-tasking multi-user ...

ADF_ file: Generic
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ADG file: Generic
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ADH file: Generic
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ADI file: Active@ Disk Image File
These ADI files are generated by the Active@ Disk, a Windows program created by LSoft Technologies, Inc. These ...

ADI file: Amateur Data Interchange Format
These ADI files contain the logbooks used by amateur radio services. These files were used to transfer data be ...

ADIC file: Generic
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ADICHT file: Generic
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ADISET file: Generic
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ADL file: Micro-Channel Architecture Adapter Description Library
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ADL file: OpenEHR Archetype Definition Language
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ADLIB file: Martin Fernandez Ad Lib Module
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ADM file: Windows Policy Administrative Template
These ADM files contain the details that describe both the user interface presented to the Group policy admini ...

ADM file: Addict Compiled Dictionary
These ADM files contain the words and spellchecks used in your Addict spellchecker application. You can edit a ...

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