File extension sitemap: G page 38

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GXL file: Genus Graphics Library
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GXLC file: Generic
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GXML file: Generic
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GXP file: Generic
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GXR file: Generic
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GXS file: Generic
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GXT file: GIMS Graphical Text Data
GIMS is short for Graphical Interference Management System. It is a software package that allows you to captur ...

GXT file: Grand Theft Auto Text File
Files that contain the .gxt file extension are most commonly used by the Grand Theft Auto computer gaming soft ...

GXW file: Generic
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GXYZF file: Gwyddion XYZ Field SPM Data
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GY3D file: Generic
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GYG file: Generic
The .gyg file extension is used to store download instruction files for the Gygan P2P software application. Gy ...

GYM file: Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Sound/music Data
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GYR file: Generic
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GZ file: GZip Compressed Data
The .gz file extension is given to Gnu Zipped file archives. The Gnu Project developed this file format for us ...

GZA file: BGA Compressed Archive
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GZA file: GZA Compressed Archive
.gza files are similar to other compressed archive formats, such as .zip and .rar, and can be used for various ...

GZF file: Generic
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GZIP file: Generic
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GZP file: Generic
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GZQUAR file: Generic
The .gzquar file extension is used for a proprietary file format that was developed by Softwin. These GZQUAR f ...

GZR file: Generic
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GZT file: Generic
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GZW file: Generic
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