3DM File
What are 3DM files and how to open them
Are you having problems opening a 3DM file or are you simply curious about its contents? We're here to explain the properties of these files and provide you with software that can open or handle your 3DM files.
What is a 3DM file?
3DM files have multiple uses, and Cadent 3D Model is one of them. Read more about the other uses further down the page.
Cadent 3D Model
Files ending in .3DM are files of the Cadent 3D Model software. Cadent, Inc., a dental company based in New Jersey, USA, developed the Cadent 3D Model software as a digital dentistry tool.
The Cadent 3D Model software paved the way for the orthodontic subjects to be represented in 3D models, becoming digital solutions that helped dentists design and develop an effective treatment.
How to open 3DM files
We have identified one 3DM opener that is compatible with this specific type of 3DM file.
Programs that open Cadent 3D Model files
eDrawings RapidFire Lite | Verified |
Last updated: January 22, 2025
All known file formats using extension .3DM
While Cadent 3D Model is a popular type of 3DM-file, we know of 3 different uses of the .3DM file extension. Different software may use files with the same extension for different types of data.
The .3dm file extension is used for a 3D graphics file format that was developed by the openNURBS Initiative. These 3DM files are also classified as CAD (computer-aided design) files. Also called 3D NURBS CAD files, these .3dm files can be generated by various CAD applications. These 3DM files contain 3D graphics and other CAD-related objects. These .3dm files may also contain metadata details and formatting attributes. These may have been entered by the author of these 3DM files in the CAD program that was used to create the 3DM file.
While we have not verified the apps ourselves yet, our users have suggested ten different 3DM openers which you will find listed below.
Rhinoceros 3D Model
A .3DM file is a file format created using the Rhinoceros 3D software. The software makes 3D models of chosen subjects, creating mathematical representations of 3D geometry, accurately describing the shape and appearance.
3D models created by the Rhinoceros 3D software can be edited, analyzed, or printed with the aid of computers and 3D printers. The Rhinoceros 3D software is primarily used in designing different kinds of products for various industries like engineering, automotive, architecture, manufacturing, etc.
3DM opener for Windows
We have identified one 3DM opener that is compatible with this specific type of 3DM file.
Rhinoceros | Verified |
Various apps that use files with this extension
These apps are known to open certain types of 3DM files. Remember, different programs may use 3DM files for different purposes, so you may need to try out a few of them to be able to open your specific file.
Moment of Inspiration | User submitted | |
SAP SAP 3D Visual Enterprise Viewer | User submitted | |
iTero | User submitted | |
Apple Computer, Inc. QuickDraw 3D Viewer Application | User submitted | |
RhinoGold | User submitted |
SAP VEViewer | User submitted | |
Right Hemisphere Deep View | User submitted | |
OrthoCAD | User submitted | |
Right Hemisphere DeepPublish plugin | User submitted | |
Deep View | User submitted |
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File.org helps thousands of users every day, and we would love to hear from you if you have additional information about 3DM file formats, example files, or compatible programs. Please use the links below or email us at submit@file.org to discuss further.
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