File extension sitemap: T page 48

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TVF file: Generic
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TVG file: TinyVG (binary)
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TVG file: Toon Boom Vector Graphics
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TVGSKIN file: TVgenial Skin
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TVGT file: TinyVG (text)
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TVL file: TommySoftware CAD/Draw Library
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TVM file: Truevision3D Model
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TVML file: Generic
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TVMW5 file: Generic
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TVMW6 file: Generic
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TVN file: Generic
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TVP file: Generic
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TVPI file: Generic
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TVPID file: Generic
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TVPIO file: Generic
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TVPP file: TVPaint Project
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TVR file: Generic
The .tvr file extension is used by MySQL for the Navicat database application. Navicat is a database administr ...

TVS file: TeamViewer Session
TeamViewer is a remote support tool allowing users to access and control computers through the internet. TVS f ...

TVS file: TriSound Voice Set
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TVS file: TuneUp Visual Style
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TVS file: WinTVC Snapshot
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TVSCONFIG file: RAD Studio Modeling Configuration
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TVT file: Generic
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TVV file: Generic
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TVVI file: Generic
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