M2T File
What are M2T files and how to open them
Are you having problems opening a M2T file or are you simply curious about its contents? We're here to explain the properties of these files and provide you with software that can open or handle your M2T files.
What is a M2T file?
A .M2T file is a MPEG-2 Transport Stream (Blu-Ray) Video file.
This file format is mainly used for DVBs (Digital Video Broadcasts). More widely known as MPEG-2 transport stream files, these M2T files are also used for broadcasts that are integrated with ATSC (Advanced Television Systems Committee) standards.
The M2T file format was developed for satellite broadcasts as well as terrestrial broadcasting applications where bad signal issues are common. The stream synchronization technology and error-correcting features that are embedded into these .m2t files help improve the overall quality of .m2t streams.
These m2T files usually contain digital motion graphics or animations, audio data, sound clips and effects, 2D and 3D graphics as well as text content for subtitles and so on.
The video content stored in these .m2t files has a maximum resolution of 1080i.
How to open M2T files
We have identified seven M2T openers that are compatible with this specific type of M2T file.
Programs that open MPEG-2 Transport Stream (Blu-Ray) Video files
Bitberry File Opener | Verified | |
VLC Media Player | Verified | |
Any Video Converter Professional | Verified | |
K-Lite Mega Codec Pack | Verified | |
Any Video Converter | Verified |
GOM Player | Verified | |
PowerDVD | Verified |
Last updated: May 26, 2024
Various apps that use files with this extension
These apps are known to open certain types of M2T files. Remember, different programs may use M2T files for different purposes, so you may need to try out a few of them to be able to open your specific file.
KMPlayer | Verified | |
Zoom Player | Verified | |
SyncUP | User submitted | |
Nero Kwik Media | User submitted | |
PotPlayer | User submitted |
AVS Media Player | User submitted | |
5KPlayer | User submitted | |
MPC-HC | Discontinued | |
MediaPlayerLite | Discontinued | |
Nero MediaHome | User submitted |
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File.org helps thousands of users every day, and we would love to hear from you if you have additional information about M2T file formats, example files, or compatible programs. Please use the links below or email us at submit@file.org to discuss further.
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