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What are JNLP files and how to open them

Are you having problems opening a JNLP file or are you simply curious about its contents? We're here to explain the properties of these files and provide you with software that can open or handle your JNLP files.

What is a JNLP file?

A .JNLP file is a Java Network Launching Protocol for Java Web Start file.

JNLP is an acronym for Java Network Launching Protocol. Java is a programming language that uses the JNLP file format to launch and manage various Java applications over a network or the Internet. The JNLP files are saved in the XML file format and contain information about an application written in Java, e.g., where to download it and how to launch it.

Unlike typical web applets, JNLP files are not run within a user's Web browser. These files are actually downloaded onto a user's computer and are then run as regular Java applications. The files are used only for stand-alone applications.

How to open JNLP files

We have identified one JNLP opener that is compatible with this specific type of JNLP file.

Programs that open Java Network Launching Protocol for Java Web Start files

Last updated: July 22, 2024

Various apps that use files with this extension

These apps are known to open certain types of JNLP files. Remember, different programs may use JNLP files for different purposes, so you may need to try out a few of them to be able to open your specific file.

Java Web StartJava Web StartUser submitted
Kies Air Discovery ServiceKies Air Discovery ServiceUser submitted
PowerTeacher GradebookPowerTeacher GradebookUser submitted
JNLPJNLPUser submitted
AppletAppletUser submitted
Adobe AcrobatAdobe AcrobatUser submitted
IBM Java Web StartIBM Java Web StartUser submitted
Cognitive TutorCognitive TutorUser submitted
ClosetMaidClosetMaidUser submitted
Progress BarProgress BarUser submitted

Help us help others

File.org helps thousands of users every day, and we would love to hear from you if you have additional information about JNLP file formats, example files, or compatible programs. Please use the links below or email us at submit@file.org to discuss further.