JPG_56X42 File
What are JPG_56X42 files and how to open them
Are you having problems opening a JPG_56X42 file or are you simply curious about its contents? We're here to explain the properties of these files and provide you with software that can open or handle your JPG_56X42 files.
What is a JPG_56X42 file?
The .jpg_56x42 file extension is very much related to bitmap image files. The said file extension is frequently found on pictures and images taken and saved using Android based smartphones like Samsung Galaxy S and Sony smartphone series. The .jpg_56x42 files are in two parts. The first one is the '.jpeg' part. It indicates that the file is a standard picture file. JPEG or JPG files are found in many pictures generated by numerous devices. The second one is the 56x42 part. It refers to the pixel of the image and tells exactly the size of the file.
Since it is an image file, typical image viewer and editor can be used to read the .jpg_56x42 files. However, when the files came from the internet, make sure to scan them first before opening it. These files are sometimes considered to be encrypted files and encrypted files are quite suspicious and/ or dangerous if not properly treated. Make sure to know the safety first policies in opening an unknown file type before starting anything.
How to open JPG_56X42 files
Important: Different programs may use files with the JPG_56X42 file extension for different purposes, so unless you are sure which format your JPG_56X42 file is, you may need to try a few different programs.
We have not yet verified any programs for Windows that work with this specific file format. If you know one, please use the 'Suggest a program' link below. Thanks!
Last updated: December 4, 2010
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