DER File
What are DER files and how to open them
Are you having problems opening a DER file or are you simply curious about its contents? We're here to explain the properties of these files and provide you with software that can open or handle your DER files.
What is a DER file?
A .DER file is a DER Encoded X509 Certificate file.
A DER file is an X509 Certificate saved in a Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) format. This binary format holds data described in the Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) specification, making it possible to encode many different types of data structures in a compact and self-contained way.
X509 certificates employ the X509 standard to authenticate a user, a device, or a transaction across the internet. They are highly utilized for functions such as secure web browsing, emailing, and any other online activity requiring authentication.
The.der file is used to store an X509 certificate, which includes the certificate holder's name, the issuing authority, the expiration date, and a public key for encryption and decryption. This file is also capable of verifying certificate authenticity and allow for importing or exporting this information in different applications.
In conclusion, .der files are utilized for the storage and exchange of X509 certificates, which are necessary for establishing highly secure communication and to authenticate a person or device in an online setting.
DER Encoded X509 Certificates are compact self-contained documents that hold information concerning the identity of their holders, from name and issuing authority to expiration date and a public key for data encryption.
How to open DER files
We have identified one DER opener that is compatible with this specific type of DER file.
Programs that open DER Encoded X509 Certificate files
OpenSSL | Verified |
Last updated: September 21, 2023
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