If you are looking for OOo-dev, you have come to the right place. We explain what OOo-dev is and point you to the official download.
What is OOo-dev? (OOo), commonly known as OpenOffice, was an open-source office suite. Its original developer, Oracle Corporation, blocked the development of OpenOffice and handed over the project to the open-source community. Active successor projects include Apache OpenOffice, LibreOffice and NeoOffice. Oracle Corporation announced that it was awarding the project to the Apache Foundation. Apache renamed the software Apache OpenOffice.'s default file format was the OpenDocument Format (ODF), an ISO/IEC standard, which originated with It could also read a wide collection of other file formats, with specific consideration to those from Microsoft Office. comprised of a word processor (Writer), a drawing application (Draw), a formula editor (Math), a spreadsheet (Calc), a presentation application (Impress),and a database management application (Base). was intended for Microsoft Windows,Linux, and Solaris, and later for OS X, with ports to other operating systems.
Download OOo-dev from the developer does not provide software hosting. We send you directly to the developer's site, to make sure you download the latest, original version of the program.
Download OOo-dev (external link)
File types supported by OOo-dev
About file types supported by OOo-dev aims to be the go-to resource for file type- and related software information. We spend countless hours researching various file formats and software that can open, convert, create or otherwise work with those files.
If you have additional information about which types of files OOo-dev can process, please do get in touch - we would love hearing from you.
Last updated: : December 8, 2014