If you are looking for Encarta, you have come to the right place. We explain what Encarta is and point you to the official download.
What is Encarta?
The Microsoft Encarta is a digital multimedia encyclopedia, essentially the forerunner of online encyclopedias like Wikipedia only that it isn’t able to be edited by any user; entries and articles are researched, written, and approved by Encarta’s staff. First released in 1993, the Microsoft Encarta continued its yearly editions until 2009, until Microsoft announced its discontinuation in March of the same year. A free, web-based version of Encarta was still online until early 2011, but as of 2012 this website has long since shut down. There are no current plans to revive Encarta, owing to the success of wiki-style digital encyclopedias, especially Wikipedia.
Before its demise, Encarta Premium (as of 2008), the complete English version, boasted about 62,000 articles in various fields, with detailed explanations, multimedia and interactive content, and cross-references to related websites and their sources. Encarta is mostly a paid desktop application, coming in optical discs, but can also be accessed on the Internet which can be paid via yearly subscription. Additionally, select articles in the web-based Encarta were also free of charge, supported by advertisements.
Encarta also featured a World Atlas, an interactive, advanced 3D representation of the Earth, which predated Google Earth and its spin-off, Google Maps.
Download Encarta from the developer
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Download Encarta (external link)
File types supported by Encarta
Our users primarily use Encarta to open these file types:
About file types supported by Encarta
File.org aims to be the go-to resource for file type- and related software information. We spend countless hours researching various file formats and software that can open, convert, create or otherwise work with those files.
If you have additional information about which types of files Encarta can process, please do get in touch - we would love hearing from you.
Last updated: : March 8, 2012