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Case CATalyst

If you are looking for Case CATalyst, you have come to the right place. We explain what Case CATalyst is and point you to the official download.

What is Case CATalyst?

Case CATalyst is a transcription program designed for reporters, stenographers, legal professionals, and the like. The program includes Cat Scratch, a digital scratch pad, as well as an inbuilt tracker for changes made to the user’s notes, which can be useful for collaborative transcriptions and transcribers who regularly edit their work. The program is also capable of exporting transcriptions in the PDF format, with fully searchable, Adobe Acrobat-compatible features. It has automatic numeric recognition and automated formatting for number entries within the text.

Besides that, it is possible to create automated field entries within texts for figures such as time. It also has Speaker Management utilities that allow the user to easily recall which strokes are for writing certain speakers as well as reposition speakers on-screen. The Brief It utility allows transcribers to get suggestions for shorter outlines in their work and the Hot Spots utility helps users identify areas that might need additional attention, like untranslates and conflicts. Furthermore, users can create their own custom keyboards using the program.

The software is often used in conjunction with Diamante. It is available in 4 editions, with the cheapest being marketed to students.

Download Case CATalyst from the developer

File.org does not provide software hosting. We send you directly to the developer's site, to make sure you download the latest, original version of the program.

Download Case CATalyst (external link)


File types supported by Case CATalyst

Our users primarily use Case CATalyst to open these file types:

About file types supported by Case CATalyst

File.org aims to be the go-to resource for file type- and related software information. We spend countless hours researching various file formats and software that can open, convert, create or otherwise work with those files.

If you have additional information about which types of files Case CATalyst can process, please do get in touch - we would love hearing from you.

Last updated: : November 30, 2022