MNY File
What are MNY files and how to open them
Are you having problems opening a MNY file or are you simply curious about its contents? We're here to explain the properties of these files and provide you with software that can open or handle your MNY files.
What is a MNY file?
MNY files have multiple uses, and Microsoft Money Data is one of them. Read more about the other uses further down the page.
Microsoft Money Data
These files are linked to Microsoft Money, a finance management system that was used to monitor individual banking, credit card usage, investments, and payment of bills.
MNY files are utilized to keep financial data that was fashioned and handled by Microsoft Money. This data could include details about bank accounts, credit cards, investments, and invoices, and even other economic deals or info. By utilizing Microsoft Money, users could track their expenses and income, come up with budget plans, and develop reports so as to gain insight into their financial position.
.mny files were used to store a range of financial data, providing people with an effective and structured way of accessing and managing their finances.
Microsoft Money ceased production in 2009 and can no longer be downloaded. However, it is still possible to open .mny files using Microsoft Money or other programs that are able to decode this specific file format for those who want to continue using it as a means of financial documentation.
How to open MNY files
We have identified one MNY opener that is compatible with this specific type of MNY file.
Programs that open Microsoft Money Data files
Microsoft Money | Discontinued |
Last updated: February 24, 2023
All known file formats using extension .MNY
While Microsoft Money Data is a popular type of MNY-file, we know of 2 different uses of the .MNY file extension. Different software may use files with the same extension for different types of data.
Personal Finance Manager Plus data
We know that one MNY format is Personal Finance Manager Plus data. We have not yet analyzed in detail what these files contain and what they are used for. We're working on it.
We have not yet verified any programs for Windows that work with this specific file format. If you know one, please use the 'Suggest a program' link below. Thanks!
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