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Ringtone Composer

If you are looking for Ringtone Composer, you have come to the right place. We explain what Ringtone Composer is and point you to the official download.

What is Ringtone Composer?

Ringtone Composer is a feature of the DataPilot software to create customized ringtones for their mobile phones. Using the program, it is possible for users to import as well as export ringtones in the RTTTL, KWS, iMelody or eMelody formats. The later version of the program saves created ringtones as DPM files by default, although it can still open the earlier DRT formats.

The program’s ringtone editor makes use of a virtual keyboard that allows users to see exactly what key they are using. Users can add, change or delete keys in a custom ringtone. Furthermore, they can alter the ringtone’s settings such that the same score is played in a different instrument. The software as note banks for instruments such as the Grand Piano, the Bright Piano, the Electric Piano (of which there are at least 3 versions), the Harpsichord, the Music Box, and more. They can edit both melody and percussion.

Once users are satisfied with the ringtone they have produced, they can send it to their mobile phones in a number of ways. They can do it through a cable attachment, SMS or manual transfer.

Download Ringtone Composer from the developer

File.org does not provide software hosting. We send you directly to the developer's site, to make sure you download the latest, original version of the program.


About file types supported by Ringtone Composer

File.org aims to be the go-to resource for file type- and related software information. We spend countless hours researching various file formats and software that can open, convert, create or otherwise work with those files.

If you have additional information about which types of files Ringtone Composer can process, please do get in touch - we would love hearing from you.

Last updated: : December 1, 2022