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Moneysoft Payroll Manager

If you are looking for Moneysoft Payroll Manager, you have come to the right place. We explain what Moneysoft Payroll Manager is and point you to the official download.

What is Moneysoft Payroll Manager?

Moneysoft’s Payroll Manager is a payroll software program that calculates pay slips on a weekly, 2-weekly and monthly basis and end-of-year figures annually in a comprehensive and accurate manner. This software employs the RTI or Real Time Information reporting system for all employers around the United Kingdom ad it also has an interface that is user-friendly and straight-forward making data input and editing easier.

This software has built-in templates and different kinds of pay slip formats that the employer can use to save time and effort creating their own formats. These formats can be viewed and saved as PDF documents. The Payroll Manager can also calculate benefits aside from payroll including Maternity Leaves or the SMP, Paternity or the ASPP and OSPP, Statutory Stick or SSP and Adoption pay or the SAP. Other features that this software also has are filing of returns, Attachment of Earnings, Student Loans and Childcare Vouchers online. It is also able to save other important notes for holidays, taxes and pensions.

This software also saves the employee’s history, attendance records including seminars, holidays, sickness and trainings. Attach pictures to ID cards for better efficiency.

Download Moneysoft Payroll Manager from the developer

File.org does not provide software hosting. We send you directly to the developer's site, to make sure you download the latest, original version of the program.

Download Moneysoft Payroll Manager (external link)


File types supported by Moneysoft Payroll Manager

Our users primarily use Moneysoft Payroll Manager to open these file types:

About file types supported by Moneysoft Payroll Manager

File.org aims to be the go-to resource for file type- and related software information. We spend countless hours researching various file formats and software that can open, convert, create or otherwise work with those files.

If you have additional information about which types of files Moneysoft Payroll Manager can process, please do get in touch - we would love hearing from you.

Last updated: : October 19, 2013